Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sun Flower

Floarea Soarelui was one of the hardest words for me to say this summer. Give it a try, it is pronounced flow-ar-ee-a sow-ar-u-luee. Oh, and one problem, you have to flip your "r's." Anyway, there are fields of them all over Moldova and for one glorious month of summer they stand in allegiance and follow the sun with their gaze throughout the day. Now the summer is over but their seeds will make oil for cooking and salads, a sweet breakfast spread and of course can be a way to pass the time by eating them and spitting out the shells.

Goodbye floarea soarului, goodbye to our first summer in Moldova.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Noths,

    Our friends from Romania, the Birgean's are here and we are having dinner with Michael and Julie Loomis. They were asking about you and we logged on to read your posts. Alina Birgean is going to Moldova in November (the second weekend) and hopes to see you. You can email her at alinabirgean@yahoo.com. We continue to pray for you. I love reading your posts and I smile at the language issues. We keep praying for you! Jay and Cindy Janke
